Name Brand American Made Cabinets At Value Prices

The clean, well-defined edges and recessed panel doors bring a touch of elegance to your home

In stock ready for any kitchen

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Cabinet Construction

  • All Kitchen Kompact cabinets come STANDARD with plywood drawer boxes
  • 3/4″ face frames

D White

Color: White Paint

Partial Overlay

Recessed Panel

Base 9″- $129


Base 12″- $159

Base 15″- $169

Base 18″- $179

Base 21″- $189

Base 24″- $199

Base 30″- $259

Base 36″- $279

Sink Base 30″- $209

Sink Base 36″- $239


Sink Base 60″- $429


Drawer Base 18″- $269

Drawer Base 24″- $299

Lazy Susan 36″- $309


Blind Base 42″- $249


18″x84″ Broom Utility $369

24″x84″ Broom Utility”- $409

*shelves sold seperately*

Wall 9″X30″- $99

Wall 12″X30″- $109

Wall 15″X30″- $109

Wall 18″X30″- $129

Wall 21″X30″- $129

Wall 24″X30″- $149

Wall 27″X30″- $169

Wall 30″X30″- $179

Wall 33″X30″- $189

Wall 36″X30″- $199


Wall 30″X12″- $119

Wall 30″X18″- $129

Wall 36″X12″- $129

Wall 36″X18″-$149

Blind Wall 36″X30″- $179


Diagonal Wall 24″X30″- $199